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ABCD ABCd ABcD ABcd AbCD AbCd AbcD Abcd aBCD aBCd aBcD aBcd abCD abCd abcD abcd You could also figure these probabilities independently like this. Consider the first genotype aabbccdd.
1: Only in case of same as source line ("abcd" = "abcd"). 2: Exclude a case contained in source line ("abcd" <> "cd").
answer sheet *o unit 1 pre-test abcd 1 abcd 2 d abc 3 4 abc abc 5 6 7 8 abcd 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 date class no. name score 25 abcd abcd abc abcd abcd abcd abcd abc abc * abcd 21 22 23 24 25 abcd abcd abcd abcd 9 abc abc 10 11 abc abc 12 ...
YZ[\]^ YZ[\]^ YZ[\]^ _'abcd _'abcd _'abcd _'abcd! "! "! "! "3 e [f e [f e [f e [f $949 $749 HHE 03-SPC e g[h e g[h e g[h e g[h $999 $799 $150 $53! "! "! "! "#### *! *"#$%&') *+, -. /023456789: ; 0<=!*>?
... st7@ r†ÿŸ-ä) *+, -. ‹›/fi…67? +@ fg hijklm-. /01234n fg hijklm-. /01234n fg hijklm-. /01234n fg hijklm-. /01234n ghi j ghi j ghi j ghij9: 9: 9: 9: ) abcd) abcd) abcd) abcd gh gh gh ...
0123456789: ; <=-. /012345 "# (/0! "#"$%$! &! "#$%&' (&) *& 67! +, &-. "/ #$% 012,3 & 41 1234! "#$%&% ' () *! +, #-. &/%'01234-56789: %; <= =>? -@+abcd 9efghijk 80 $%lm 34no?
1: Only in case of same as source line ("abcd" = "abcd"). 2: Exclude a case contained in source line ("abcd ...
YZ[\]^ YZ[\]^ YZ[\]^ _'abcd _'abcd _'abcd _'abcd! "! "! "! "3 e [f e [f e [f e [f $949 $749 HHE 03-SPC e g[h e g[h e g[h e g[h $999 $799 $150 $53! "! "! "! "#### *! *"#$%&') *+, -. /023456789: ; 0<=!*>?