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Abdul Sami Mangrio: Sukkur: U: 665: 78.24: 821: 74.64: 74.64: N: 0: 821: c: Self: 19.25: 7.824: 29.855: 9.625: 47.303: CE EL. 2: 1381: Sadam Hussain: Muhammad Murad Mahesar: Sukkur
GPS Hakim-Ji-Dhani = Kamal Bheel Valhar = Hakim Bilal Agrani Paro = Abdul Majeed Samejo = Lal M Mangrio = M Alam Samejo Shekhrio : Umerkot
Dr. Abdul Sattar Mangrio. Field Supervisor Medical Officer . 0238-570716. 0238-570039. 0331-3884613. 0238-424041 -Taluka Health Officer Umerkot. 0238- 0238-
to (Information Technology and Services industry): Computer Programmer, (June 2009-Present)
2007 - up to (I...