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Ross, RJ, Chew, SL, Perry, L, et al. Diagnosis and selective cure of Cushing's disease during pregnancy by transsphenoidal surgery. Eur J Endocrinol 1995; 132:722.
Kamper, AM, Malbrain, M, Zachee, P, Chew, SL. Parvovirus infection causing red cell aplasia and leukopenia in rheumatoid arthritis. Clin Rheumatol 1994; 13:129.
Sahdev A, Sohaib A, Monson JP, Grossman AB, Chew SL, Reznek RH. CT and MR imaging of unusual locations of extra-adrenal paragangliomas (pheochromocytomas).
12.Sahdev A, Sohaib A, Monson JP, Grossman AB, Chew SL, Reznek RH. CT and MR imaging of unusual locations of extra-adrenal paragangliomas (pheochromocytomas).
Ong BC, Ng ASB, Chew SL. “Oral premedication in paediatric day surgery”, Singapore Med J 1996; 37(2): 139-42. Nathan N, Ong BC, Yutaka O, et al.
Ong BC, Ng ASB, Chew SL. Oral premedicat ion in paediatr ic day surgery SING MED J
Sahdev A, Sohaib A, Monson JP, Grossman AB, Chew SL, Reznek RH. CT and MR imaging of unusual locations of extra-adrenal paragangliomas (pheochromocytomas).
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