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English | Japanese. Kohei Hayashi's Web Site. Currently I am interested in machine learning and data mining, especially Bayesian probabilistic modeling of tensor-structured data.
num <- 1000. A <- matrix( scan("A.dat", nlines=num), ncol=num) B <- matrix( scan("B.dat", nlines=num), ncol=num) start <- proc.time() # multiply
Yuujin(H) / Hirokazu / Takashi / Mitsuyoshi / Takahiro / Kazuhiro / Tsubasa / Shuhei / Yuishi / Kohei(H) / Tomoya / Kaori / Ryo / Kohtaro(Y) /
... with nondiabetic nephropathies such as hypertensive nephropathy. 5,6 Acetazolamide assisted Tc-99m MAG3 renography to assess renal blood flow reserve Yoshio H ORITA ,* 1, * 4 Kohei H ...
... O-labeled compounds Miho S HIDAHARA ,*, ** Hiroshi W ATABE ,* Kyeong Min K IM ,* Hisashi O KA ,* Masayoshi S AGO ,* Takuya H AYASHI ,* Yoshinori M IYAKE ,* Yoshio I SHIDA ,* Kohei H AYASHIDA ...
English | Japanese. Kohei Hayashi's Web Site. Currently I am interested in machine learning and data mining, especially Bayesian probabilistic modeling of tensor-structured ...
School of Information Science, Nara Inst. of Science and Technology, Japan 2 Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University, Japan { kohei-h,junich-h,ishii } ...
num <- 1000. A <- matrix( scan("A.dat", nlines=num), ncol=num) B <- matrix( scan("B.dat", nlines=num), ncol=num) start <- proc.time() # multiply