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... and mechanical properties of as-cast and annealed mg-5%sn alloy g. nayyeri and r. mahmudi id564 erosive wear of glass fiber and b2o3 reinforced epoxy composites mehmet bagci and ...
[ID :564]Erosive Wear of Glass Fiber and B2O3 Reinforced Epoxy Composites, Author: Mehmet Bagci. [ID :565]Surface roughness and surface integrity of end milled Titanium alloy Ti-6Al ...
... and mechanical properties of as-cast and annealed mg-5%sn alloy g. nayyeri and r. mahmudi id564 erosive wear of glass fiber and b2o3 reinforced epoxy composites mehmet bagci ...
[ID :564]Erosive Wear of Glass Fiber and B2O3 Reinforced Epoxy Composites, Author: Mehmet Bagci. [ID :565]Surface roughness and surface integrity of end milled Titanium ...