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Their dedication to making the museums exciting places for everyone, and their long list of impressive service, made them ideal 2009 recipients. 2008 Liesel Strauss and Merrily Chiam
Merrily CHIAM - Director Merrily graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Singapore in 1975 and a Masters in Business ...
Merrily CHIAM - Director Merrily graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Singapore in 1975 and a Masters in Business ...
Merrily Chiam: Information Technology: Coordinator: Calista Herbert: Japanese Speaking Docents: Coordinators: Maho Ihara
... to making the museums exciting places for everyone, and their long list of impressive service, made them ideal 2009 recipients. 2008 Liesel Strauss and Merrily Chiam
Merrily Chiam: Information Technology: Coordinator: Calista Herbert: Japanese Speaking Docents: Coordinators: Maho Ihara