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After my attachment I am going back to Myanmar to start my career and Shelton College International 6 SHEL TON TIMES Sai Ye Htut Lin's Experience My name is Sai Ye Htut Lin, I ...
Phyu Phyu Lwin @ May Phyo Wai Thet Oo Thet Paing Oo Sai Zar Ni Aung Sandar Aye Si Thu Aung Soe Kyaw Swar Soe Lai Lai Aung Htut Sun Tun Swe Zin Soe Thandar Aung Thant Htut Aung Thet ...
Sai lone 7 . San San Yee 5 . Sandy Ma 9 . Saw Sir Htaw Thaw 5 ... Myat Phyo Htut. 7. Myint Myint Moc. 7. Nairg Naing Zaw. 7. Nan Thin Thin New. 8. nang Khan mai