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By the pigeonhole principle, the Pi' qt, rj, $j for two of the seventeen x/s, say Xj and Xk with j < k, must have the same parity pattern. Then dj+1 x ...X dk = X~Xj is a perfect square
(3.1) Now consider the effect of a change in one of the exogenous variables or parameters, say .xj, on the equilibrium values of the variables.6 Differentiating each of the identities ...
By the pigeonhole principle, the Pi' qt, rj, $j for two of the seventeen x/s, say Xj and Xk with j < k, must have the same parity pattern. Then dj+1 x ...X dk = X~Xj is a ...
(3.1) Now consider the effect of a change in one of the exogenous variables or parameters, say .xj, on the equilibrium values of the variables.6 Differentiating each of the ...