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Contact advertiser: Share on Facebook: Vincent Raj: Save ad: This ad is now saved to favourites
There were also inconsistencies in the identity of her father, Vincent Raj. He was registered as a Catholic Filipino in the document. However, they discovered that he is Indian ...
Satisfied Singaporean: LCP (NS) Vincent Raj, 30. Role: This was the first time I attended NDP. I was there with my family.
Secretary: Mr. Vincent Raj ([email protected]) Treasurer: Ms. Kamala Mary ([email protected]) Ecclesiastical Asst: Rev. Clarence Devadass ([email protected])
Peter Vincent Raj / Training & Development Mgr.
Contact advertiser: Share on Facebook: Vincent Raj: Save ad: This ad is now saved to favourites
There were also inconsistencies in the identity of her father, Vincent Raj. He was registered as a Catholic Filipino in the document. However, they discovered that he is ...
Satisfied Singaporean: LCP (NS) Vincent Raj, 30. Role: This was the first time I attended NDP. I was there with my family.