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Welcome to ClubSNAP, the largest dedicated photography discussion site in Singapore ... XY Li
Supervisors/Moderators: Dr. J Yang, Dr. TST Ng, Mr. PKK Lee, Dr. XY Li, Dr. A Koenig, Prof. LG Tham, Dr. HJ Pam, Dr. RKL Su, Dr. AKL Kwong; Department of Mechanical Engineering
Supervisors/Moderators: Dr. J Yang, Dr. TST Ng, Mr. PKK Lee, Dr. XY Li, Dr. A Koenig, Prof. LG Tham, Dr. HJ Pam, Dr. RKL Su, Dr. SC Wong, Dr. AKL Kwong
Hu X, Zheng PJ, Zhao XY, Li L, Tam KC, Gan LH, “Preparation, Characterization and Novel Photoregulated Rheological Properties of Azobenzene Functionalized Cellulose Derivatives ...
Identified, isolated, and produced pure culture of a local strain of the causal organism (Clavibacter xyli subsp. xy li) of ratoon stunting disease (RSD)
A Koenig, Dr. XY Li, Prof. RSS Wu, Dr. PPS Wong, Dr. HS Lee, Dr. WT Lee, Dr. Y Huang, Dr. KTM Wong, GTMK Fernado. Introduction. Field Monitoring
Supervisors/Moderators: Dr. J Yang, Dr. TST Ng, Mr. PKK Lee, Dr. XY Li, Dr. A Koenig, Prof. LG Tham, Dr. HJ Pam, Dr. RKL Su, Dr. AKL Kwong; Department of Mechanical ...
Supervisors/Moderators: Dr. J Yang, Dr. TST Ng, Mr. PKK Lee, Dr. XY Li, Dr. A Koenig, Prof. LG Tham, Dr. HJ Pam, Dr. RKL Su, Dr. SC Wong, Dr. AKL Kwong