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Corcuff, JB, Tabarin, A, Rashedi, M, et al. Overnight urinary free cortisol determination: a screening test for the diagnosis of Cushing's syndrome.
How to cite this article: Mozaffari A, Rashidi I, Paziar F. Extra mammary tumors metastasis to the breast. Pak J Med Sci 2008;24(3):468-70.
AK , Soehardy.Z, Saeiyah. E, Menah. M, Azneza. A, Nik Zuriati. NMK, Rahimah. A, Rashidi. S, Rozita. M, Loo. CY, Halim. AG, Norella. KCT Nephrology Unit, HUKM
Pak J Med Sci April - June 2008 (Part-II) Vol. 24 No. 3 468-470 How to cite this article: Mozaffari A, Rashidi I, Paziar F. Extra mammary tumors metastasis to the ...