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CRIME DOWN 9pc : KOTA KINABALU: The overall crime rate in Sabah this year has dropped by nine per cent. Sabah deputy police commissioner Datuk Ab Razak Ab Ghani said the nine per cent ...
Nama Nazrul Hisyam Ab Razak, Mr Jawatan Lecturer Jabatan Perakaunan dan Kewangan E-Mel [email protected]
Sabah deputy police commissioner Datuk Ab Razak Ab Ghani said the nine per cent drop from 9,048 cases recorded last year, was largely due to public awareness and cooperation.
Name Nazrul Hisyam Ab Razak, Mr Position Lecturer Department Accounting and Finance E-Mail [email protected]
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CRIME DOWN 9pc : KOTA KINABALU: The overall crime rate in Sabah this year has dropped by nine per cent. Sabah deputy police commissioner Datuk Ab Razak Ab Ghani said the ...
Nama Nazrul Hisyam Ab Razak, Mr Jawatan Lecturer Jabatan Perakaunan dan Kewangan E-Mel [email protected]
CONTACT US; STAFF CHECK-IN ... Full Name: KIRAHMAN BIN AB RAZAK: Position: Vocational Training Officer: Email: