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Hi Zaman, can you post the program of the day? :ph34r: :dunno: :ph34r: Hi Abang Zaman, can u post program of the nite? :pidu: :rockon: :rotfl:
Great job bang...Minat sungguh hasil kerja abang dari zaman website abang kat MIR lagi...
Established in 1983, Angkatan Zaman Mansang or AZAM is a leading non-profit, non ... welcoming the VVIPS including Sarawak Head of State, Tun Datuk Patinggi Abang Haji ...
... SP berat akak dah turun 56.5 kg...ehehhee...ada lagi 1.5 - 2 kg je nak turun...sbb kalau ikut umur yg dh 40++ ni x sesuai kot kurus2 sgt mcm zaman muda2 dulu...cik abang ...