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... Advisor July, 2006 Dr. Hadri Kusuma, MBA. Language Advisor July, 2006 Kusworo ... The boy next door Satryo, Anggun, Yoyan, Abi, Faiz, Pak Aji, Aan, Mas Thamrin, Mas ...
A B C D E F; 1: title: author: place: publishercode: copyrightdate: eks: 2: 100 resep masakan internasional populer/editor IntarinaHardiman: RUNTUWENE, Henky: Jakarta
Boussabaine, A. Halim and Yahya, Khairulzan (2006) Eco-costing of construction waste. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, 17 (1). pp. 6-19.