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UVA 27.7.Juliyana binti Abu Sari 775. UVA 27.8.Zurin Azlin @ Zurinazlin binti Md. Jinin @ Md. Janin 776. UVA 27.9.Yap Siew Lee 777. UVA 27.10.Farrah binti Alias
Mr. Mohd Yazid Abu Sari : Designation: Managing Director : Email Address: [email protected] : Mobile Number - Sales & Marketing Manager's Name : Designation
Mohd Yunus Abu Sari (Zura Yahya) [2007] 1 ILR 608. Breach of company rules and policies - Negligence - Conduct of claimant in opening up savings account - Whether claimant had aided ...
Abdul Rahim bin Harun Husni bin Ismail Othman bin Abu Sari Abdul Razak bin Ruslan Latiffah bt. Norddin . Published Papers . Nil . First published 3/5/96
Mazani Manaf, Mohd Jamil Abu Sari; Abdul Razak Hamdan & Muhammad Mohd Yusof. 2001. Application of Bama optimised recurrent neural network in handwritten recognition of Jawi works.
Academic Staff - Md Jamil Abu Sari ... National Standard for Computer Graphics (Technical Committee), 2001 - 2008
UVA 27.7.Juliyana binti Abu Sari 775. UVA 27.8.Zurin Azlin @ Zurinazlin binti Md. Jinin @ Md. Janin 776. UVA 27.9.Yap Siew Lee 777. UVA 27.10.Farrah binti Alias
Mr. Mohd Yazid Abu Sari : Designation: Managing Director : Email Address: [email protected] : Mobile Number - Sales & Marketing Manager's Name : Designation