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Sent By: Adeel Naeem. You can send your poetry for any of the above categories ...
Pakistan,40100. Cell: # 923006003712 923006003712 . 03216000306 Email:[email protected] [email protected] website: SkypeID:visionedu
Adeel Naeem Bai: Assistant Professor: Mobile / Wireless Networks: National University of Science & Technology: Islamabad: [email protected]: 92-51-90852259
... Notification No. CE/AFF:1566 Dated: 06-09-2010 Roll No. Regd.No. Name of CandidatesFather's Name Marks Obtained Remarks Shiblee College of (IT) Fsd. 101 2003-ag-1330 M. ADEEL NAEEM ...
Those interested can email their resumes at [email protected] and / or contact Mr. Adeel Naeem / Mr. Omer Nasim at our Lahore Office phone numbers.
Sent By: Adeel Naeem. You can send your poetry for any of the above ...
Thursday January 06, 2011: Mashriq Group of Newspapers Editor-in-Chief Syed Ayaz Badshah
Adeel Naeem Bai: Assistant Professor: Mobile / Wireless Networks: National University of Science & Technology: Islamabad: [email protected]: 92-51-90852259