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dr. Ahmad Zulfa Juniarto, MSi Med, SpAnd . He graduated from FMDU in 1996 and achieved his MSc in Human Reproduction in 2004 from the same university.
A B C D E F G H I J K L; 1 : LIST OF MOE-REGISTERED KINDERGARTENS : 2 : Every kindergarten registered with the Ministry of Education is issued a Certificate of ...
Juriah Ahmad: Malay: 550, Yung An Road: 618617: 62681846: [email protected] : 31 : 23: Barker Road Methodist Church Kindergarten: Loke Beng Fong
Cina Muslim : studi ethnoscience keberagamaan Cina Muslim / Misbah Zulfa Elizabeth ; editor, Ahmad Syifaul Anam. -- Cet. 1. -- Semarang : Walisongo Press, 2009.