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akihiro kubota (1960.6.23~) algorithmic improvisor / biomedia artist. [email protected] hackerspace@tamabi bioart@tamabi FabLab Japan LapTop Jazz Quartet
The Future of Interaction - Interface in the Post-Human Centered Era [AXIS Publishing AXIS, (130) (Nov, 2007)] Akihiro Kubota ・Type of review/article
Akihiro Kubota. Akihiro Kubota (Artist/Performer) is a professor of the Art & Media Course, in the Department of Information Deisgn at Tama Art University.
Akihiro Kubota <[email protected]> Musician/Language designer. He is involved in musical activity using computers and networks, and designing a musical language based on cognitive ...
Book Review: Lev Manovich "The Language of New Media" [AXIS Publisheing AXIS, (142) (Nov, 2009)] Akihiro Kubota ・Type of review/article:
The Future of Interaction - Interface in the Post-Human Centered Era [AXIS Publishing AXIS, (130) (Nov, 2007)] Akihiro Kubota Type of review ...
Akihiro Kubota. Akihiro Kubota (Artist/Performer) is a professor of the Art & Media Course, in the Department of Information Deisgn at Tama Art University.
Book Review: Lev Manovich "The Language of New Media" [AXIS Publisheing AXIS, (142) (Nov, 2009)] Akihiro Kubota Type of review/article