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The Team Mr. Faiyaz Ahmed Mr. Rehan Hannan Nr. Iqbal Panwala Dr. Muhammad Shamvil Ashraf Mr. Muhammad Hanif Janoo Mr. Ta riq Shafi Mr. Salim Tabani Mr. Amir Ahsan Mr. Ta riq Siddiqui
... resident director super basmati rice 731 reem rice mills (pvt) limited 50 e, main gulberg lahore tel: 042-5760101-3 fax: 042-5760104 eml: [email protected] 12 syed amir ahsan ali 676,259,531 ...
Amir Ahsan USA: Army has no business to even say that it supports political set up within the ambit of the constitution. They must obey orders of the civilian govt and lay their hands ...
syed amir ahsan director operation pak petrochemical industries (pvt) limited polymer house, survey no. 136 main national highway karachi tel: 021-5019701-04
Contact Person : Agha Amir Ahsan ... Currency: Buying : Selling: Australian Dollar: 85.7: 86.7: Bahrain Dinar: 226.8
The Team Mr. Faiyaz Ahmed Mr. Rehan Hannan Nr. Iqbal Panwala Dr. Muhammad Shamvil Ashraf Mr. Muhammad Hanif Janoo Mr. Ta riq Shafi Mr. Salim Tabani Mr. Amir Ahsan Mr. Ta riq ...
Contact Person : Agha Amir Ahsan ... Address : Room 7, 3rd Floor, Zubair ManzilRambharti Street, Jodia Bazar, Karachi ...
Reckitt Benckiser (Consumer Goods industry): National sales manager, (2001-2003)
Reckitt Benckiser Pakistan (Consumer Goods industry): National Sales Manager, &n...
Dawlance (Consumer Electronics industry): Head of Sales and Marketing, (September 2004-September 2007)
Reckitt Benckiser (Public Company; RB; Consumer Goods indu...