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In collaboration with: SIMTech, FEI Company of USA, Harvard, and Univ of Michigan at Ann Arbor: Abstract: Main Objective. To create the world-first tri-beam platform for high ...
Ed. and Trans. Faye Chunfang Fei. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 1999. 129-141. Ding Ling, When I Was in Xia Village. Miss Sophies Diary and Other Stories.
Ann Arbor: Conference: 217: Fei: Jiarui: USA: Ann Arbor: Workshop: Conference: 218: Takebe: Takashi: Russia: Moscow: Workshop: 219: Juteau: Daniel: France: Caen: Conference: 220: Liu: Shiping
Huawei (Privately Held; Telecommunications industry): Director of Leadership Development, (April 2007-March 2010) Leadership...