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King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals awarded Abdul-Aziz Saad Al-Darwesh (Arabic: عبدالعزيز بن سعد بن حسين الدرويش) a BS degree in 2003.
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals awarded Abdul-Aziz Saad Al-Shafi (Arabic: الشافي - عبدالعزيز سعد محمد) a BS degree in 1990.
... Adil Bin Zakir (Captain), Aamir Jamal (Vice-Captain), Adnan Ismail (Wicket Keepr), Hassan Jawad, Hassan Mehboob Polani, Aqeel ur Rehman, Shahnawaz, Shayan Nasir, Waqas Aziz, Saad ...
2010/09/27 ABDUL AZIZ SAAD, Shah Alam, Selangor [email protected]
AL-MULHEM, ABDUL-AZIZ SAAD ABDUL-AZIZ : 776 : 12 : SAUDI ARABIA : AL-HASSA : Management Information Systems : [email protected]
Author(s) Abdul Aziz Saad Al-Mogren : Affiliation: Associate proffessor Department of Architecture and building science College of Architecture, Kingd Saud University
1992 ; Language codes: eng: Dewey call number: 727.109538 M.A. Personal Author: Al-Mogren, Abdul Aziz Saad Hamad: Title: A humanistic approach to educational planning ...
ABDUL AZIZ SAAD Shah Alam Not unexpected ACCORDING to recent media reports, the Shah Alam City Council (MBSA), is the most efficient local council in Selangor.
Al-Elm Information Security Company (Privately Held; 201-500 employees; Information Services industry): CTO, (2010-Present)