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$B"!>7BT9V1i!& (BAI $B%l%/%A%c!&8&5f2q%;%C%7%g%s$J$I (B $B"" (B 5 $B7n (B23 $BF|!J?e!K (B 13:30-15:00 $B!!FCJL9V1i (B1 $B!' (BDr. Kathleen M. Carley $B!J%+!
Protein: Hypothetical protein NMB0488 from Neisseria meningitidis SQ Q9K0T5 1-164 Lineage: Root: scop; Class: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] Mainly antiparallel beta sheets ...
Protein: AttH-related protein NE1406 from Nitrosomonas europaea SQ Q82US3 24-351 Lineage: Root: scop; Class: All beta proteins [48724] Fold: AttH-like [159244] provides comprehensive travel and map information about Indonesia and major cities in Indonesia. This includes Indonesia Hotels, Indonesia Accommodation ...