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Bland LI, Lapham LW, Ketonen L, Okawara SH. Acute cerebellar hemorrhage secondary to capillary telangiectasia in an infant. A case report. Arch Neurol .
Bland, W. S. Lew, S. P. Li, L. Lope z-Diaz, C. A. F. Vaz, M. Natal i, and Y. Chen. Journal of Ph ysics D: Applie d Physics 35, 2 384 (2002
While all agreed that it was tragic, many niggling queries were raised - and would not go away by bland official responses. What was Li Zhen'e doing on a golf course
Li's bland characters, the blunt crimes he chooses to feature and the unadorned realism of his directorial approach combine to make films that appeal neither to the party ...