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Saori Obata (JPN) Singles 1st Round on Center Court: Casey Dellacqua (AUS) Singles 1st Round on Center Court: Casey Dellacqua (AUS) Singles 1st Round on Center Court
* Ichniowski, Casey, Kathryn Shaw, and Giovanna Prennushi. 1997. "The Effects of Human Resource Management Practices on Productivity: A Study of Steel Finishing Lines."
... 5JEONMi-RaKOR 76 (2) 46 76 (4) Umpire bs OBATA 9 DA 151 4OBATA Saori JPN 64 63 Umpire as OBATA 10 DA 285 16 DELL'ACQUA Casey AUS 61 61 Umpire as OBATA 11 DA 237 10 ...
Dako (Pharmaceuticals industry): Previously DAKO Management, (1990-2008)