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César Velásquez. On Sunday 12th December 2010, @cesarvelasquez said: #wow lollll interesting ;) RT @StyleIT: RT @IntriguingFacts: #IntriguingFacts In 1477, the first diamond ...
... is weighing heading to the Organization of American States and UN Security Council," said a statement from President Alvaro Uribe, read out by his spokesman Cesar Velasquez.
... after returning from a summit meeting in Argentina, so he had a checkup which confirmed he had the A(H1N1) virus, according to a statement read out by his spokesman Cesar Velasquez
... after returning from a summit meeting in Argentina, so he had a checkup which confirmed he had the A(H1N1) virus, according to a statement read out by his spokesman Cesar Velasquez
“He is working by telephone and Internet,” , government spokesman Cesar Velasquez said. A popular conservative and Washington’s key ally in South America, Uribe attended a summit ...
... Alvaro Uribe has contracted the A(H1N1) flu virus and is being treated by doctors while continuing to work from his residence, government spokesman Cesar Velasquez said ...
... the work of General Freddy Padilla, who will leave the work of defense minister and continue as the commander of the National Military Forces," said Cesar Velasquez ...
Spokesman Cesar Velasquez said Bush had asked Uribe to make an appointment with him as soon as the rebels, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), delivered ...