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Chu Huei Steel Industrial Corporation - Taiwan supplier of tinplate, tinplate, tin free steel, Hojalata
Mr Thiam Thian Meng, MBA; Ms Ho Chu Huei, MBA,BBA,PGDE; Mr Ng Kian Seng, BIT: Examination Board Members: Mr Thiam Thian Meng, MBA; Ms Ho Chu Huei, MBA,BBA,PGDE; Mr Ng Kian Seng, BIT
Wong Chu Huei - Workshops Manager, Brunei. Tel: +673 2660580 Fax: +673 2 650990 Mobile: +673 8711047 Email: [email protected] . Daniel Lim Tek Yih – Financial Manager ...
Graduate Institute of Taiwan Literature and Transnational Cultural Studies, Associate Professor Chu Huei-chu; Taiwan: Oct. 27, 2010: University of Strasbourg
steel plates and tin-free steel sheets,100000 tons flock coa tin g and overlay film steel ... Chu Huei Steel Industrial Corporation
Supplier of tin mill products. Features a catalog, information on services, and the stock list.
CHU HUEI STEEL INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION. Address: 3F, 225, Wumiao Road, Lingya Chu, Kaohsiung 802 Taiwan Tel: 886-7-7020777
Mr Thiam Thian Meng, MBA; Ms Ho Chu Huei, MBA,BBA,PGDE; Mr Ng Kian Seng, BIT: Examination Board Members: Mr Thiam Thian Meng, MBA; Ms Ho Chu Huei, MBA,BBA,PGDE; Mr Ng Kian ...