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Dr. Larry Ng, Clinical Optometrist: Mr. Danny Fan, Chair of Information Technology Committee : Ms. Quennie Yip, Council Member
Danny Fan Siu-keung, general manager of Opticraft Ltd which makes the lens, said regulation could not guarantee freedom from mistakes and carelessness.
To Sara: Didn't you saw Chik performance last nite??? You must have missed it b/c his performance was GREAT. You must have been a Danny fan then.
... suited to theatrical musical performances - in Vegas or Broadway. His style is flamboyant and way over the top. Kris is the all around American Idol, to me anyway.-a Danny fan.
Mr. Danny Fan : sales@ A ddress : Room 1516, 15 /F., Wah Wai Centre, 38 - 40 Au Pui Wan Street, Fo Tan, Shatin, NT, Hong Kong
Contact person:Danny Fan Tel: 0086 574 56676879 Fax: 0086 574 56676887 0086 574 88158502 Cellphone:0086 136 8585 5050 Email: [email protected]
Contact person:Danny Fan Tel: 0086 574 56676879 0086 574 66911456 Fax: 0086 574 56676887 0086 574 88158502 Cellphone:0086 136 8585 5050
Dr. Larry Ng, Clinical Optometrist: Mr. Danny Fan, Chair of Information Technology Committee : Ms. Quennie Yip, Council Member