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Dr. David PAUTLER. Title: Senior Scientist and and Capability Group Manager; Tel: Email: [email protected]; Research Interests: Cognitive models of intention recognition
Dr. David Pautler, Senior Scientist, Institute of High Performance Computing, Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR). Mr Jerry Lim,
Dr. David PAUTLER: Senior Scientist and and Capability Group Manager: AI, cognitive & social psychology: Email : pautlerd: Dr. Ilya FARBER: Senior Scientist and and Capability Group Manager
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[email protected]. [email protected]. [email protected]. [email protected]. [email protected]. [email protected]. [email protected]. [email protected]
Profile at IHPC. My primary research interest is in rule-based models of intention recognition, mental attitudes, cooperative action, personality, and interpersonal ...
Dr. David PAUTLER. Title: Senior Scientist and and Capability Group Manager; Tel: Email: [email protected]; Research Interests: Cognitive models of intention recognition
Advanced Computing / Computational Cognition for Social Systems: URL: http://cogsys.i sg/who-s-involv ed/david/david-pautler: My Page