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There who are interested and meet the above requirements, please send an application letter by post or by email as well as CV and recent photograph to : Email : dedy.kurniawan ...
Contact: Dedy Kurniawan. Jl Pimpong no.21 Medan 20217 Phone: +62.61.77100242 Fax: +62.61.7363692 Email: [email protected] Contact: Yusda Siregar
I am Pascales Dedy Kurniawan, Indonesian, male 30 years old, and I am seeking for a job as well as work visa. I am a hardworker, reliable,honest, and trustworthy.
DEDY KURNIAWAN S, transitional models based on theory Markov chains for manpower planning, Undegraduate, February 2005 - March 2006; SUHARYATI, Design most full den on experimental ...
Dedy Kurniawan Setyoko 1210656810: PHOTON -- Universitas Airlangga: Numerical Model of Porphyrin Molecular Orbital: invitation letter certificate of attendance
DEDY KURNIAWAN S, transitional models based on theory Markov chains for manpower planning, Undegraduate, February 2005 - March 2006; SUHARYATI, Design most full den on ...
Dedy Kurniawan Setyoko 1210656810: PHOTON -- Universitas Airlangga: Numerical Model of Porphyrin Molecular Orbital: invitation letter certificate of attendance
If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the ... Started by dedy_kurniawan, 23-12-2010 10:14 PM
PT. Direct Vision (ASTRO) (Entertainment industry): Area Executive Technical West Java, (March 2006-August 2008)
AMD net (Information Technology and Services industry): Network Manager, (June 2010-Present)