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Name: Position: Location: Telephone: Email: M s. Polly Tse: Head: B3-P-02A: 2948-7701: [email protected]: Mrs. Elaine Mak: Assistant Registrar: B3-P-02B: 2948-6187
Mrs Elaine MAK Office of Academic Quality Assurance The Hong Kong Institute Education : Dr Angela HO Educational Development Centre The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Name: Elaine Mak Email: [email protected] Comments: I am extremely happy that there is a homepage in Hong Kong designed especially for sports climbing.
Representing CityU in the Vienna and the Hong Kong Vis Moots are: Edith Au-Yeung; Ronald Cheung; Elliot Fung; Yiyan Huang; Elaine Mak; Christina Ng; Ting Fong Siu; Vincent Wing Yin Sze; ...
... 03-07 Corporation Place Singapore 618494 Tel: 64814776 Fax: 64810552 Email Address: elaine.mak ...
Name: Position: Location: Telephone: Email: M s. Polly Tse: Head: B3-P-02A: 2948-7701: [email protected]: Mrs. Elaine Mak: Assistant Registrar: B3-P-02B: 2948-6187
Mrs Elaine MAK Office of Academic Quality Assurance The Hong Kong Institute Education : Dr Angela HO Educational Development Centre The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Representing CityU in the Vienna and the Hong Kong Vis Moots are: Edith Au-Yeung; Ronald Cheung; Elliot Fung; Yiyan Huang; Elaine Mak; Christina Ng; Ting Fong Siu; Vincent ...
Chevron (Oil & Energy industry): Charterer, (March 2007-June 2010)
Chevron (Public Company; CVX; Oil & Energy industry): Optimization Scheduler, (Oct...