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Under Suprevision of Senator Jehangir Bader (Secretary General Pakistan People Party) <!! ~ DESIGNED BY: F ARHAN H AMEED & W ASIM S ADIQ ~ !!>
Microsoft Word - 7. Fostering the Corporate Debt Market in Pakistan_Farhan Hameed.doc
Farhan Hameed Mehran-Towers:Please do email me related info regarding Rehman tower, I also wanted to know the exactly Location please.
ECON 424Development Macroeconomics Farhan Hameed 1March 2008 Instructor: Farhan Hameed E-mail: [email protected] O-ce: Dean'sWing O-ce Hours: Mon&Wed 1300-1500 orby appointment Course ...
Marasco, Antonio. A Quantitative Assessment of Welfare effects of FDI to Reconcile Existing Theories (with Ehsan U. Choudhri and Farhan Hameed).
Microsoft Word - 7. Fostering the Corporate Debt Market in Pakistan_Farhan Hameed.doc
Farhan Hameed Mehran-Towers:Please do email me related info regarding Rehman tower, I also wanted to know the exactly Location please.
Under Suprevision of Senator Jehangir Bader (Secretary General Pakistan People Party) <!! ~ DESIGNED BY: F ARHAN H AMEED & W ASIM S ADIQ ~ !!>