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The same reaction also came from Director of Chen Woo Fishery, Inc., Ferry Gunawan. “We’ve waited so long for this community group that support sustainability fisheries.
- Ferry Gunawan Djaja (SXXXX222F) Once again, thank you for support TechNet and MSDN. the ultimate resources for IT Professionals and Developers.
Lenju, and I Wayan Ferry Gunawan, who co-own a cellular phone shop on Jl. Pulau Moyo in Denpasar. Bulit claimed that Lenju and Gunawan fenced the stolen goods.
Congratulations to Mr Ferry Gunawan Djaja, the winner of Toshiba’s Noise Buster Challenge (June-July 2010 REGZA game challenge), for being the fastest to collect all 21 Auto ...
The same reaction also came from Director of Chen Woo Fishery, Inc., Ferry Gunawan. Weve waited so long for this community group that support sustainability ...
... patelengineer zxt_0826 ferry.gunawan ...
Kardorff Ingenieure Lichtplanung (Architecture & Planning industry): Intern, (August 2008-July 2009)&...
Geoservices (Privately Held; Oil & Energy industry): Data Engineer, (December 1997-February 2006) Mud Logging Unit