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Geetha Ramakrishnan, B.Optom (Hons)(UKM) 4. Ms. Cheah Sook Ching, B.Optom (Hons)(UKM) 5. Ms. Norfaridah Bte. Aziz, B.Optom (Hons)(UKM) 6. Mr. Puvaneswaran, B.Optom (Hons)(UKM)
Ananda K. Ghosh, Geetha Ramakrishnan, and Ram Rajasekharan (2007) YLR099c (ICT1) encodes for a soluble oleoyl-CoA dependent lysophosphatidic acid specific ...
Ms Geetha Ramakrishnan; Ms Ho Hooi Ling; Ms How Kah Yan; Environmental Science. The ecology of tropical peatswamp forests is an extreme and endangered environment.
Ms. Geetha Ramakrishnan (PhD student) School of Science Monash University Sunway Campus. 12: 08 June: 12.00pm - 1.00pm: MR 2-5-42: HDR Confirmation of Candidature
Indian Institute of Science (Educational Institution; Research industry): Senior Research Fellow, (2006-2008)
JJ College of Arts and Science, Tamilnadu (Education M...