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Haibo Hu. Research Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science Hong Kong Baptist University. Tel: +852 3411-2421 (Fax: +852-3411-7892) Email: haibo at comp dot hkbu dot ...
中文繁體 | 中文简体. Microsoft Imagine Cup 2004 The 4th Runner-up (Software Design Invitational) PhD Candidates: Mr. Haibo Hu, Miss Manli Zhu; MPhil Candidate: Mr. Wing Sing Wong
Haibo Hu Tel: +852-3411-2421 (O) Fax:+852-3411-7892 E-mail: [email protected] URL: Address: Department of Computer Science
Biography Dr. Haibo Hu is currently a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Computer Science, Hong Kong Baptist University. He received his PhD degree in Computer Science from the ...
Haibo HU, Hong Kong Baptist University Seung-won HWANG, POSTECH Yoshiharu ISHIKAWA, Nagoya University Mizuho IWAIHARA, Waseda University Adam JATOWT, Kyoto University
Haibo Hu. Research Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science Hong Kong Baptist University. Tel: +852 3411-2421 (Fax: +852-3411-7892) Email: haibo at comp dot hkbu dot edu ...
Haibo Hu Tel: +852-3411-2421 (O) Fax:+852-3411-7892 E-mail: [email protected] URL: Address: Department of Computer Science
| . Microsoft Imagine Cup 2004 The 4th Runner-up (Software Design Invitational) PhD Candidates: Mr. Haibo Hu, Miss Manli Zhu; MPhil Candidate: Mr ...
GM PATAC (Public Company; 000000; Automotive industry): Interior Engineer, (-)