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... it’s a long story... thisisbinding binds theses for students. No, seriously, that’s all we do. The trick is we’re really good at doing that one thing. Hakim Albasrawy - CEO
“@Flipbooks: "Attend well to your character, and your reputation will look out for itself" ~Napoleon Hill # quote 14 mins ago @ elainedaly you buy already?
Cart: 0 items Cause: 0 causes ... Hakim Albasrawy
by Hakim Albasrawy, Founder of (Hakim's Presentation) Title: About MSC Malaysia UniTech. By Eliza Noordin, Consultant, Technopreneur & Enterprise Development ...
Captain: Hakim Albasrawy. The Crazy Gang Captain: Eric Chen. CLC Futsal Club Captain: Tang Voon Hau. Hyundai Merchant Marine Malaysia Captain: Chadwick Siebel
by Hakim Albasrawy, Founder of (Hakim's Presentation) Title: About MSC Malaysia UniTech. By Eliza Noordin, Consultant, Technopreneur & Enterprise ...
Recently we spoke to Hakim Albasrawy of UrekaWeekend to find out exactly what the UrekaWeekend can do for you! Q. Hakim, can you tell us more about the weekend?
Social media for social movement? Hakim Albasrawy from start-up Tandemic talks about how to become better citizen in a social enterprise. Duration: 18m 51s Filesize: 5.6 ...