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Marketing: (+ 62) 812 83 6868 97. Website: Sales Contact: Mr. Harun Kurniawan [email protected]
Syahrial Harun; Liliana Kurniawan; Robert H. Barker, Jr; Dyan F. Wirth. Abstract : A DNA probe pPF14, which is species specific to P. falciparum have been used to identify ...
Syed Harun Bin Taha Alhabshi (Frenz of Science) 18 yrs old; awaiting A level ... Iwan Kurniawan Bin Ahmad (Outreach Volunteer) 30 yrs old; Manager at Maybank
Posted by Yusuf Kurniawan on Mar 5th, 2009 ... Harun Yahya; Personal web pages; Quotations Source; Rapid Library; Rapid Share; Slideshare
SRIWIJAYA AIR (Airlines/Aviation industry): commerce & operational, (February 2010-Present)
TRIMATA Advertising & Agency (Broadcast Media industry): Creative...
INDOSAT (Marketing and Advertising industry): account manager, (August 2004-December 2009) as a marketers and sales for pr...