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Hassaan Saleem Married officer quarters Sargodha cantt Sargodha, Pakistan Ph: Cell: Fax: 048-7302014 : Hassaan 's Bastee Page:
Hassaan saleem Says: February 3rd, 2009 at 10:36 am. I did my MBA (Marketing)just to add an additional skills to my abilities– I have a vast knowledge/ experience of HRM ...
Hassaan Saleem: 26: 1503089: 15AA238: 15B226: Waseem: 27: 1503086: 15AA239: 15B227: Muhammad Saad Attari: 28: 1501013: 15AA241: 15B228: Usama Bin Zubair: 29: 1503115: 15AA242: 15B229
[email protected]. [email protected]. [email protected]. [email protected]. [email protected]. [email protected]. [email protected]
HIV Surveillance Data: Limitations and Uses Naeem Hassan Saleem (Canada-Pakistan, HIV/AIDS Surveillance Project (HASP ...
8th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (ICAAP) Naeem Hassan Saleem (Canada-Pakistan, HIV/AIDS ...
Dr. Mohammad Hassan Saleem, IDB Director on Special Projects, said the IDB is committed to upgrade the educational, social and economic well-being of poor Muslim ...
Price Waterhouse Coopers (Partnership; Accounting industry): Audit Assistant I, (September 2009-Present)