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The XRD diffraction charts are shown in Fig. 2. Mitsuo Yoshida, Naceur Jedidi, Helmi Hamdi, Fethia Ayari, Abdennaceur Hassen, Ali M'Hiri 156 Waste Management & Research
Hassen Ali Ammari >>> Applied Linguistics: Huda Adnan Alsalman >>> Applied Linguistics: Ibrahim Abdulrahman Almahboob
Role of Saudi, MWL Lauded in Chad. N'DJAMENA (Chad) - The secretary-general of the Muslim World League (MWL), Dr. Abdullah bin Abdul Muhsin Al-Turki, has met here with the head of the ...
People seem to have given up and care less of the health hazard such heaps of garbage may pose. SOUNDBITE (English) Hassen Ali Guma, Director of Public Health of the Central ...
Naceur JEDIDI, Abdennaceur HASSEN, Ali M'HIRI (Tunisia) et O. van CLEEMPUT (Belgium) : Etude de la minéralisation du C et N des déchets. [Study on the mineralization of C and N in ...
Selangor executive councillor in charge of religion Datuk Dr Hassan Ali said mosque officials cannot arrest offenders but can only take down their particulars and ...
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Poster: School: School Category: Technical College: Specialty Category: Other: Location: Taiwan : Employer Description: UNITED ARAB EMIRATES MINISTRY OF EDUCATION