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TY - JOUR. ID - 2433/108899. T1 - Analysis of General Characteristics of Transmission Error of Gears With Convex Modification of Tooth Flank Form Considering Elastic ...
%0 Journal Article %A Mohamad, Edzrol Niza %A Komori, Masaharu %A Murakami, Hiroaki %A Kubo, Aizoh %A Fang, Suping %D 2009 %F 2433/108899 %I ASME-AMER SOC MECHANICAL ENG
%0 Journal Article %A Kakiuchi, T %A Nishi, N %D 2006 %F 2433/35886 %I ELECTROCHEMICAL SOC JAPAN %K ionic liquid %K ionic liquid-water two-phase systems