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I am a Physicist and interested in Quantum Physics, Statistical Physics and Sollid State Physics.
P2-55 Lyapunov Spectra of Correlated Random Matrices. Hiroaki Yamada and Tsuneyasu Okabe Faculty of Engineering, Niigata University, Ikarashi 2-Nocho 8050, Niigata ...
Division of Biological Functions and Systems, Environment-friendly Control Systems, Assistant Professor: Hiroaki YAMADA, Dr. Eng. [E-MAIL] [URL] ...
1992: Ph.D thesis(Niigata University) 0: H.Yamada, Electronic States and Transports of One-Dimensional Disordered Systems with Long-Rang Structural Correlation (in Japanease).
P1-57 Lyapunov Analysis of One-Dimensional Lennard-Jones System. Tsuneyasu Okabe and Hiroaki Yamada Department of Physical Chemistry, National Institute of Materials and ...
I am a Physicist and interested in Quantum Physics, Statistical Physics and Sollid State Physics.
P2-55 Lyapunov Spectra of Correlated Random Matrices. Hiroaki Yamada and Tsuneyasu Okabe Faculty of Engineering, Niigata University, Ikarashi 2-Nocho ...
Division of Biological Functions and Systems, Environment-friendly Control Systems, Assistant Professor: Hiroaki YAMADA, Dr. Eng. [E-MAIL] [URL] ...
JABIL (Public Company; 10,001+ employees; Design industry): PM, (September 2006-Present) Electric Designing for stadio system products.<...