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Dr Honglin Chen Associate Professor. Email: [email protected]. Dr Gavin JD Smith Research Assistant Professor. Email: [email protected]. Gavin Smith is a ...
HKU ResearcherPage on Chen, H, showing contact, bibliometric, and publication list details. Expertise, specialist, collaboration, expert, contract research, media comment.
Investigators: Gavin JD Smith, Honglin Chen, Malik Peiris Theme 2: Pathogenesis, Host responses and innate immunity. Leaders: JSM Peiris, YL Lau, NY Ip
*NeWS roUND-UP A World-Class University T he University of Hong Kong has been ranked 18th among the world's best universities by the Times Higher Education Supplement (THES).
- Honglin Chen, Senior Lecturer, University of Wollongong, Australia. The Continuum Companion to Systemic Functional Linguistics is designed to be the essential one-volume ...
Dr Honglin Chen Associate Professor. Email: [email protected]. Dr Gavin JD Smith Research Assistant Professor. Email: [email protected]. Gavin Smith ...
HKU ResearcherPage on Chen, H, showing contact, bibliometric, and publication list details. Expertise, specialist, collaboration, expert, contract research, media comment
Investigators: Gavin JD Smith, Honglin Chen, Malik Peiris Theme 2: Pathogenesis, Host responses and innate immunity. Leaders: JSM Peiris, YL Lau, NY Ip
GE Healthcare (Public Company; 10,001 or more employees; GE; Hospital & Health Care industry): RA Manager, (2010-2010)
GE Healthcare&nbs...