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S. No. Name. Qualification . 1 . Mrs Abeeda Hassan . MSc (Geography), BEd . 2 . Qari Izhar-ul-Haq . MA (Isl. & Arabic) 3 . Mr Uzair Farooq . MSc Hons (Agri) 4 . Mr Mukhtar Hur
Huma Hassan, Ms Lecturer Ehsan Azmat, Mr Lecturer Huda Saval, Ms Lecturer Huna Nauman, Ms Lecturer • Undergraduate [ Fee Structure]
Huma Hassan, Ms Lecturer • DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY : The courses of Computer Science & Information Technology are designed to provide a ...
huma hassan d/o muhammad hassan: 662: 17: 20055/544382-10: sidra zulfiqar d/o zulfiqar ahmed: 660: 18: 59240/506958-10: aqsa khaliq d/o abdul khaliq: 660: 19: 72481/539096-09
S. No. Name. Qualification . 1 . Mrs Abeeda Hassan . MSc (Geography), BEd . 2 . Qari Izhar-ul-Haq . MA (Isl. & Arabic) 3 . Mr Uzair Farooq . MSc Hons (Agri) 4 . Mr Mukhtar Hur
Huma Hassan, Ms Lecturer Ehsan Azmat, Mr Lecturer Huda Saval, Ms Lecturer Huna Nauman, Ms Lecturer • Undergraduate [ Fee Structure]
Huma Hassan, Ms Lecturer • DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY : The courses of Computer Science & Information Technology are designed to ...