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Sal a h s atupenel i tianterapankimiakomputasi adalahka j ian Qu a n t it ative St r u c tur e-Pr o p e rt y R e lationship (QSPR) [2, 3]. Kajianinimembahas hubun g an sifatfisiksuatu sen y awasebagaifungsidari ...
Contact: Mr. Ian Qu - Domestic Chinese Area Contractor: Dalian World Expo Center Exhibition Display Services Co., Ltd. #10 Section F, Xinghai Square ,
... electricity supply, fascia panel/fascia names, equipping the stands with tables and chairs, distribution of rented extra furniture and plants and so on. Mr. Ian Qu ...
Mr. Ian Qu Project Coordinator Tel: +86-411-3991-6903 E-mail: [email protected]. Unites States , Canada , Spain, France, Singapore, Hong Kong. Mr. Jason Wang