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- Mdm Ivy Aw (64548605 X 812) - Mdm Karen Teng (64548605 X 841) - Mdm Chong Lai Yin (64548605 X 844) If you have any questions on the portal, you may email to [email protected] or ...
Ivy AW Ho, Kelly YW Chan, Lv Miao, Winston SN Shim, Chang M Guo, Philip Cheang, Kam M Hui, Paula YP Lam. (2008). Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV-1) mediated gene transfer to human bone ...
... Tan Chui Ling ChuiL Janice Chung Chung Wong Lam Ni Clarise CWong Deepa d/o Sivasothy Deepa Desmond Tong DTong Elinawaty Bte Hassan Elina Goh Lye Hock GohLH Habibah Ismail H Ism Jonah Jonah Ivy Aw ...
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Ivy AW Ho, Kelly YW Chan, Lv Miao, Winston SN Shim, Chang M Guo, Philip Cheang, Kam M Hui, Paula YP Lam. (2008). Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV-1) mediated gene transfer to ...
... Janice Chung Chung Wong Lam Ni Clarise CWong Deepa d/o Sivasothy Deepa Desmond Tong DTong Elinawaty Bte Hassan Elina Goh Lye Hock GohLH Habibah Ismail H Ism Jonah Jonah Ivy Aw IvyAw Jin ...
K Tan, P. Cheang, Ivy AW Ho, Paula YP Lam and Kam M Hui Nano-sized bio-ceramic particl es could functi on as efficient gene delivery ...