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... layer of software called the operating system, whose job is to manage all these devices and provide user programs with a simpler interface to the hardware . Teacher: Iwan Lesmana
Marcellus Simadibrata*, Vera Yuwono**, FJW Ten Kate***, GNJ Tytgat****, Laurentius Lesmana*****, Daldiyono*, Iwan Ariawan***** Edisi : Vol 8, No 3, Des 2007, Hal 71 - 79
... Duodenum, Jejunum and Terminal Ileum in Indonesian People Marcellus Simadibrata*, Vera Yuwono**, FJW Ten Kate***, GNJ Tytgat****, Laurentius Lesmana*****, Daldiyono*, Iwan ...
simadibrata, marcellus [black star]; wanders, ronald ja +; jan, gerrit +; tytgat, guido nj ++; lesmana, laurentius a [s]; daldiyono, [black star]; ariawan, iwan [p ...