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Johnson Kee at 6336 5253 or [email protected]. Event Info Gary Valenciano is one of the best-loved and most revered artists in Philippine entertainment.
For more information on the above BT BAF programmes, please contact Mr Johnson Kee, Executive, Arts Enterprise at 9781 9216 or email [email protected]
Arts House assistant director of social enterprise Johnson Kee says of the performance by the 17 children: 'We wanted to showcase how the funds raised during ChildAid will be used ...
Said Mr Johnson Kee of the Secretariat to the Business Times Budding Artists Fund: “International exchange is becoming increasingly important if not necessary in this ...
Mr Johnson Kee, Head, Secretariat to The Business Times Budding Artists Fund shared, "OCBC Bank has helped to provide us with greater means to continue helping more children to ...
Johnson Kee at 6336 5253 or Event Info Gary Valenciano is one of the best-loved and most revered artists in Philippine entertainment.
Johnson Kee, Assistant Director, The Arts House Klik TV The Moving Visuals Co. Pte Ltd Quest E1 Studio Pte Ltd Sinema Incubator Nicholas Chee & Randy Ang ...
Johnson Kee. Designation: Assistant Director. Organization: The Old Parliament House Ltd. E-mail address: Website: