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Kaushik Datta 2), Samuel Williams 1), Vasily Volkov 2), Jonathan Carter 1), Leonid Oliker 1), John Shalf 1), and Katherine Yelick 1) 1) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
Optimizing 27-point Stencil on Multicore Kaushik Datta, Samuel Williams, Vasily Volkov, Jonathan Carter, Leonid Oliker, John Shalf, and Katherine Yelick CRD/NERSC, Berkeley Lab EECS ...
Dr. Kaushik Datta (University of California, Berkeley) Dr. Leroy A. Drummond (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Prof. Feng-Nan Hwang (National Central University, Taiwan)
... 20 Auto-tuning Stencil Codes for Cache-Based Multicore Platforms ················································ 45 *Kaushik Datta ...
/ Kaushik, Som Datta. / Balamurugan, Sarkarainadar. / Bhattacharya, Shovit. / Gaur, Neeraj Kumar. / Rayaprol, Sudhindra. / Pottgen, Rainer. (Page 759 - 768)
VIRENDRA DATTA KAUSHIK (1) S.D. Kaushik, Aligarh (2) 10.5.1938 (7) B.A. 1959. VIRENDRA KISHORE MAHESHWARI (1) Hira Lal, Aligarh (2) 31.10.
Kaushik Dutta, Debra VanderMeer, Anindya Datta, Krithi Ramamritham . October 2001 Proceedings of the 3rd ACM conference on Electronic Commerce
JGC (Public Company; Oil & Energy industry): Project Engineer, (September 2008-May 2010)