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Heading into Jr. Heavyweight Land for a couple of top tens today. First up, a man that is probably familiar to most of you in the form of Kaz Hayashi.
AJPW, 02.07.2010 Tokyo Korakuen Hall 1800 Fans AJPW World Jr. Heavyweight Title: Kaz Hayashi (c) vs. TAKA Michinoku ...
Kaz Hayashi - T Claudio Castagnoli - H The Brian Kendrick - H(Television Champion) Tag Divsion: Jimmy Yang/Kaz Hayashi - T Max/Jeremy Buck - F Chris Sabin/Alex Shelley - F(Tag Team ...
Funaki, Jimmy Wang Yang & Jamie Noble feud with Shannon Moore, Gregory Helms and Matt Hardy in a return of the old WCW feud: Jung Dragons (with Funaki replacing Kaz Hayashi) versus ...
WCW Billy Kidman & Rey Mysterio Vs 3 Count Shannon Moore & Evan Karagias Vs Jung Dragons Jimmy "Akio" Yang and Kaz Hayashi in a triple threat match for the tag team contendership ...
There he worked with the likes of Japanese wrestling stars Keji Muto, Kaz Hayashi, Kenski Sauski and was part of the largest heel stable in Japan, the Voodoo ...