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Ursel Kues, Georg-August University of Goetingen, Germany. Kazuo Shishido, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. Kengo Sakaguchi, Science University of Tokyo, Japan
Kazuo SHISHIDO: Tokyo Institute of Technology: Development of the biosystem useful for degradation of polychlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons by using molecular-genetically ...
The life cycle is completed within two weeks. The compatible monokaryons produce ... Kazuo Shishido, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Target Genes of the Developmental Regulator PRIB of the Mushroom Lentinula edodes: 1898-1905: Yasumasa MIYAZAKI, Yuta SAKURAGI, Takashi YAMAZAKI and Kazuo SHISHIDO
Toshitsugu SATO, Kaori YAEGASHI, Shizuko ISHII, Tatsuya HIRANO, Susumu KAJIWARA, Kazuo SHISHIDO and Hitoshi ENEI: Release Date: 2005/03/25 [Abstract] [Image PDF (1896K)]
Ursel Kues, Georg-August University of Goetingen, Germany. Kazuo Shishido, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. Kengo Sakaguchi, Science University of Tokyo, Japan
Kazuo SHISHIDO: Tokyo Institute of Technology: Development of the biosystem useful for degradation of polychlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons by using molecular ...
Kazuhiro Miyazaki, Faxin Huang, Bianxiang Zhang, Susumu Shiraishi, Miho Sakai, Chikako Shimaya and Kazuo Shishido: Release Date: March 26, 2008