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Contact detail for Teoh Kek Kim in Perak, Malaysia
Intersanctuary Ltd (Kek Kim Hok, Third Party) [2006] 3 SLR 397; Sunny Daisy Ltd v WBG Network (Singapore) Pte Ltd [2006] SGHC 130; WBG Network (S) Pte Ltd v.
... Pte Ltd ('PLD') (a wholly-owned subsidiary of United Fiber System Ltd) against Hok Mee Property Pte Ltd, Leong Hwa Monastery Temple, Hok Chung Construction Co Pte Ltd and Kek Kim ...
Mrs Helen Lim Bok Kek Kim Choo Holdings Pte Ltd : 65. MIss Jane Tan Wei Chee Vanguard Society: 59. Mrs Helen R Chandran Emerald Beauties : 66. Mr Jason Siew
Winners All: (clockwise from bottom left): Tan Wee Kek, Kim Yyong Andrew, Guo Fei and Deepa Ramanathan
Contact detail for Teoh Kek Kim in Perak, Malaysia
Mrs Helen Lim Bok Kek Kim Choo Holdings Pte Ltd : 65. MIss Jane Tan Wei Chee Vanguard Society: 59. Mrs Helen R Chandran Emerald Beauties : 66. Mr Jason Siew
Winners All: (clockwise from bottom left): Tan Wee Kek, Kim Yyong Andrew, Guo Fei and Deepa Ramanathan
3M Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. (Mechanical or Industrial Engineering industry): Account Specialist, (2002-2008)